Marital Rating Scale

It's so easy to forget how far women have come in the last 100 years or so - and then something like this will pop up and we don't know whether to laugh - or stab a man. (If you can't read the quiz - it's a little bit bigger here).

This creepy Marital Rating Scale was created in 1929 by Dr. George W. Crane (who went to Northwestern...just a lil twist of irony I appreciate). Either men or women could take the test, which rates wives according to 50 demerits/merits that Dr. Crane found to be the cause of conflict or satisfaction in marriages. The test taker is supposed to add up the total number of merits and demerits to receive a raw score which then categorizes the wife on a scale from "very poor" to "very superior." I have yet to find one which ranks husbands.

My favorite demerits are "wears red nail polish" and "puts her cold feet on husband at night to warm them." The best merits are "dresses for breakfast" and "can carry an interesting conversation." WOW...

The full article is here.


Unknown said...

I think I would definitely be a failure as a wife! I would probably get 5 demerits for not wearing stockings at all (if you get one for the seam being crooked), and I never wash the cap of the milk bottle before I open it. My poor future husband...

The rest of the test is available here: