Home Sweet Home

Well folks, I am back in the good ol' U.S. of A. - got in last Monday morning and have been taking these past 2 weeks to transition back into this wonderful land of heating/air conditioning and drinking tap water - it's good to be back :)

The BIG news this week is my REAL, non-blog website is live! Thanks to Brad, we got www.elysegibson.com up and running. It's not quite finished yet; I still want to post a couple more campaigns and A LOT more content on the "Side Projects" page, but it's a miracle this thing exists. I've been trying to do this for over a year, and I am just happy to have committed to a direction. Yippee!!!!

In other more horrifying news, job hunting has officially begun and I am simultaneously excited and terrified. Reading and re-reading chapters in "Pick Me" has definitely started to freak me out a smidgen, but I am trying to stay positive. And not obsess. The not obsessing part is proving to be fairly challenging, though. The good news is that I know a few agencies are actually hiring - which is quite the change from just 4 short months ago. My friend Sitha just got a job at CP+B, so that is awesome for him!!! Yay for my friends being hired. Me next?

Some cool random things:

- Sweet iPhone app from Charmin called "SitorSquat" - what an awesome idea!
- Found this while researching AKQA. <3
- Scanwiches!!! Yummmmmm
- I feel like I may have seen this idea before - but regardless, sweet yoga business cards
- New Molskine website is totally ballerrrrrrr
- Havianas - favorite. brand. ever. (Sidenote: saw a whole Havianas display in Macy's at the mall yesterday and they want $25 for these flipflops!!!! WHAAAAAA??? In Brazil, they cost MAXIMUM $25R - which is about $10. Good thing I stocked up!!!)

Can the sun please come out now? I miss my ICED soy chais.